
Friday, November 18, 2011

Attic Progress

Our attic is slowly progressing (yay for more space)!  These pictures might not look like much progress, but I'll explain what all took place.  When we first bought the house the attic had two rooms.  As you walk up the stairs there was a room on the left and a room on the right.  If you went into the room on the right you would see old and ruined drywall on all four walls and the ceiling.  The drywall was wet in some places and no longer useful.  Along with the drywall, there was minimal electrical work and unfinished floors.  If you left this room and walked over to the next room you would first see a random door hanging on a framed wall.  The door was useless.  By that I mean if you opened the door you would walk into our chimney, not into the other room.  Other than that, you would notice blue paneling.  That's right guys, not even your typical, already unattractive brown paneling.  We were blessed with blue, fake wood, paneling.  Awwweeesoommme! Oh, yeah, did I mention it was only on half of the room and some of the pieces were half hung on the ceiling (the rest of the room just had insulation dangling).  That is the beauty of old houses, there are trends that you never knew existed, trends that are coming back into style, and half "finished" rooms if you're lucky!  

So if you can't imagine any change here's list of what has changed:

  • The drywall, old paneling, random framing (and door) have been ripped down
  • ALL of the insulation from the walls and beneath the side floor boards has been removed
  • Screening was added to keep the birds from coming back in
  • New insulation was laid down
  • The new insulation was covered with plywood for flooring so we can have storage on the sides
  • Duct work was ran up to the attic (no window units for us!)
  • More electrical was added
  • My handy Dad fixed two spliced wires
We still have a lot to finish, but we are much closer to the end than it may seem!  I cannot wait until I can share pictures of the end product!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

One Handy Dad + a One Week Visit = Lots of Progress

I haven't posted lately because I have been insanely busy with school work and my parents came for a nice long visit, which is always awesome because I get to hang out with my parents all week AND my Dad is incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to house updating (and I don't mean decorating).  In just a week we've been able to check off some improvements we've been wanting to make to our home and even some that we had no idea needed work.  Here's the list:

  • Install a vent in our mildew infested bathroom
  • Run new wire down to the switch so we can FINALLY have an outlet in the bathroom (that isn't in the light)
  • Rip out old insulation in the attic where the birds were invading
  • Add screening to keep the birds from coming back in
  • Lay down new insulation
  • Cover the flooring where the new insulation is with plywood so we can have storage there
  • Run duct the work up to the attic so we can have heating and air
  • Add to the previous electrical work 
  • Fix two spliced wires which were fire hazards! Thanks for not catching that Mr. Inspector...NOT! I am seriously BLESSED to have a Dad who knows so much, my house could have EASILY burnt down! 
I am so glad those are ALL checked off the list! My Dad, Husband, and Brother have been working hard all week! Oh yeah, and on top of all of this work, my Mom and Dad taught me how to sew! Yes, my Dad was even able to help me learn to sew.  Pretty crazy, right?  Do you know what that means?  I've started some progress on our bedroom! Okay, I've only made one pillowcase, but that's a big step since I have been busy with school work and I just learned how to sew.  This has been one productive week!  I'll be back to share soon once I add the finishing touches to my pillowcase and I'll even share some pictures of the progress on the attic!
