
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Grey and Yellow, Grey and Yellow...

were not the colors I planned on using in our bathroom, well, at least not the yellow.  I see grey and yellow everywhere on Pinterest, blogs, magazines, other peoples homes and while I LOVE these colors together, I didn't want to be like everyone else. I am however a thrifty person and I have recently challenged myself to redecorate our home on little to no (5 dollars or less on an update) money, at least until I return to work from maternity leave.

That is how this happened (please don't hate my iphone pictures two kids = less time for high quality pictures)

Oh hey, beautiful cabinet I used to want to rip down!
You look great!

Yup. Chalkboard paint on the inside too, I'm obsessed.  Also, you better believe me and the Mister will be writing notes back to each other.  This is your warning in advance guests, if you don't want to see cheesy love notes don't snoop in our cabinet!

Now I cannot believe I wanted to rip her down (I even have a mirror to go in her place). We are still working on the attic and I didn't want to have to do any drywall fixing on top of that, not to mention she adds great storage space to our small bathroom.  I was SICK of staring at that ugly medicine cabinet though, so I took some yellow paint that I had leftover from some previous makeovers and BAM, she became a beauty! What do you think? 

In other news..... you should go check out Anchored Restoration on Facebook (previously known as Clee Interiors)! We just recently opened up shop as partners and would love to have you come take a look at our little online shop!  

You can also find more revamps and items for sale by following our shop (or myself) on Instagram! 
@kaechap and @AnchoredRestoration

Hope to see that you've stopped by!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Vintage Lynchburg Spring Market {and other craziness}

If you haven't noticed recently I have obviously not been blogging! I have been busy with just a few things!

Like the Vintage Lynchburg Spring Market

These are just a few of the items I had pictures of, but there are plenty more if you check out Clee Interiors on Facebook!  Some of the items are still available, but many of them sold!  

And school...
Did I mention I graduate in THREE weeks!

Oh and let's not forget this

I'm 30 weeks pregnant! We have been busy prepping for our second little girl!  We still have so much to do/get before she comes!  

So hopefully I will have a little bit of time to catch the blog up at some point with everything that has been going on and give some more details about the Vintage Lynchburg Spring Market, the nursery we will be redoing, and our attic progress!  

Friday, February 8, 2013

I Can Never Remember

my grocery list, along with many other things. This can be a problem when it is late at night and you have one diaper left because you completely forgot to get some while at the store. I do this ALL THE TIME. Seriously, I come home and remember that I needed about five more items! So, one day I got bored and hadn't done much crafting so I decided to throw together a little project. I wanted to make our refrigerator a little more appealing and have some type of grocery list as well. I grabbed some magnets, fabric, buttons, spray paint, a canvas (8x10), and my hot glue gun then got to work!

I ended up making the canvas into a chalkboard for our grocery list and stuck it to the refrigerator by adding magnets to the back. Then I made some magnets with buttons, fabric rosettes, and a few other items. I just added a strip of magnet to the back and bam, they were ready!